Adventures in Writing: Have Laptop, Will Travel

3 Responses

  1. niccihaydon says:

    I always use my laptop for writing, even when I’m at home. I like to be able to move about the place if I feel like it without it being an excuse to stop. If I have my laptop, I can sit on my bed (or in my bed, if I want the warmth and comfort), I can sit in a chair, I can sit at my desk or outside or whatever. I use Linux, which I love because it’s minimal, quick and free, but have and old version of Windows installed on a virtual machine because I need (NEED) Word and Scrivener, neither of which will work natively in Linux.

    I’ve never used my phone for writing, and can’t imagine it! I did buy a Kindle Fire some time ago with the thought that I could write anywhere, but in reality it feels very slow and tedious.

    • Mischa Eliot says:

      That’s why I went with the Asus Chromebook. It’s light and portable. My purse feels empty without it because I’m so used to the weight being there. As long as I have internet or 4G on my phone, I can access my files on OneDrive. If I can’t, then I start something new or try to write another part of whatever I wanted to work on to tie in later.

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