A Penny for your Thoughts 0

When your Muse ignores you…

Ever feel like your Muse has gone fishin’ without telling you? You sit down to write but the characters aren’t cooperating, the words aren’t flowing, and (as if that weren’t enough) something else is nagging at the back of your mind. There are several reasons why you could feel like...

A Penny for your Thoughts 0

What Dreams May Teach Us

Dreams are a gateway to another universe deep inside yourself. They allow you to answer questions that have been nagging you for weeks, be with people who don’t even notice you, or tell off your superiors from work when you’ve had enough. Dreams can enliven us or frighten us by...

A Penny for your Thoughts 0

A Penny for your Thoughts: Finding Time for Writing

Writing While Life Happens It’s easier than you think you find the time to write. I don’t recommend writing during a meeting at work or during class. These are things that are important to your livelihood. Don’t jeopardize your wellbeing. Recently, I went to an appointment with my daughter and...

woman holding pen and paper wearing lingerie - technical blather 0

Technical Blather: “I don’t have a Kindle…”

“I can’t buy your book because I don’t own a Kindle.” Kindle Not Required You would not believe how often I hear this. And, while I don’t personally go out to actual people and say “Hey, buy my smutty stories!” I do let people online know that I write smutty...

A Penny for your Thoughts 0

A Penny for your Thoughts: 187,027

The title of this post is the number of words that I have written since I first signed up for my 750words.com account. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are many, many moons that went by that I didn’t write. What drives me batty is that the number of words...


Edit So You Won’t Regret It

Everyone makes mistakes. No, really, even me. I make mistakes. There, I admitted it. It will probably never happen again. When you get that rush of a story in your head and all you can do is type furiously, or handwrite if you prefer that (I get hand cramps like...

Adventures in Writing 0

Some Advice is Just Plain Bad

I’m sure some of you will want to rant and rave at me. What I write here is my personal opinion. There is just some advice that I can’t fathom and refuse to follow. I’ll explain my reasons. Take a deep breath and relax. 1. You need to ignore everything...

A Penny for your Thoughts 0

Distractions: The Enemy Without

Netflix Something else that has been distracting me is the fact that Netflix finally got their bloody claws on 9 seasons (yes, NINE) of Criminal Minds. I have been waiting, begging, praying, sacrificing (okay not really) for this to happen. And it has. I’m somewhere within season 3 I think....

A Penny for your Thoughts 0

Procrastination, The Enemy Within

Don’t get me wrong, these are all things that needed doing (especially eating lunch, food is VERY important. DO NOT let other authors tell you that you have to be starving and hangry to write. JUST. DON’T.) I did write almost 700 words, but it certainly wasn’t my goal. There...

Adventures in Writing 0

Adventures in Writing: So. Many. Things.

All the typos Yes, there are those who genuinely have typos. I do myself. And I’m also one of those who will do the whole ‘corrected spelling’^ in chat, in text, and sometimes even on Twitter. (Though usually any tweets with typos are immediately deleted and recreated if I find...

A Penny for your Thoughts 0

A Penny for your Thoughts: Abusing the Muse

Drunken Muse There are so many days I feel that my Muse has gone off on a bender and is bar-hopping, black-out drunk, hitting on women who think he is just a sleazeball. Then there are the days where he is excruciatingly sober and my light bulb completely explodes because...

A Penny for your Thoughts 0

A Penny for your Thoughts: All In A Name

What is in a name you ask? Sometimes, it all can depend on a name. If you name a character and that name didn’t exist until 20 years later, there are people who will know. It might be less than a handful, but somewhere out there, they will know. And...

If you are serious about improving your writing, ProWritingAid is the best writing software out there. They recently created a helpful demo page so that you can try out their grammar and style suggestions before you even sign up. Follow their simple suggestions and feel more confident in everything you write.