Adventures in Writing: Clearing My Mind

5 Responses

  1. Kayla Lords says:

    Mel Robbins (who I’ve gushed about a lot lately) says that procrastination is a habit. I feel like what you’re describing is similar to procrastination if not the actual thing. And she also says that procrastination is a reaction to stress. We’re not procrastinators (or lazy), we’re stressed about something. I know it’s true for me. So if there’s something that you’re stressed about — either at the times you write or about your writing — maybe by acknowledging that, you could push through the not-writing part.

    I don’t know how to how tell people to set goals or to hustle. Some is personality, I’m sure, but most is learning new behaviors and patterns. Doing things that make you feel uncomfortable because you want the end goal more than you dislike the discomfort.

    When it comes to creating content, though, I’ve found that even when I say the right things about being confident and comfortable, deep down I’m terrified and think I suck (or that someone else will tell me I suck) and that slows me down. I also used to (and still do, but I’m learning to be better about it) have this idea that if I wasn’t making big progress (like writing thousands of words a day), it wasn’t worth the effort because I wasn’t getting anything done — which isn’t true. A few words a day, most days of the week, adds up.

    So that makes me wonder if your idea of “writing from the time you get home to the time you go to bed” is too overwhelming for your subconscious and so you put roadblocks in your own way. What you if committed to just 30 minutes or an hour, giving yourself permission to stop and go watch TV or do something else? Just thoughts. Take or leave them as you’d like.


    • Mischa Eliot says:

      I love these thoughts and suggestions of yours. I’m going to have to look up Mel Robbins. I don’t plan to push myself to write thousands of words a day because that would just burn me out. I felt like a failure reading some of the posts on eroticauthor reddit because there are people who do write thousands of words a day and have a day job and are putting out a short story or three every week (no idea if they are any good since no one shares author names there). I stopped visiting there a while back… lol

      Sometimes I’m in the “why bother?” mindset and I know why I should bother! Not writing is not a good thing for me. I need to put the words down and get them out of my head. When I don’t, I tend to get cranky. I joined a website for writers that does sprints, but of course, the sprints are during working hours. On top of it, I’m very good at procrastinating. I mean, I built the sisters in smut website as a means of avoiding writing. It was an excellent reason, of course, but still.

      I will figure it out and I will stop self-sabotaging myself. I’m setting an alarm for 7pm right now to write if I haven’t written for the day.

      • Kayla Lords says:

        I think that a lot of what ails many of us (because you’re definitely not alone) is that we’re comparing ourselves to the high producers (who, you’re right, might NOT be creating good content). Who says you’re supposed to write thousands of words a day? Who decided that a specific amount of production is what we’re all supposed to do? I call bullshit.

        Going at a slower pace that works for your life, your personality, and your goals will get you there, too. Maybe it doesn’t happen as fast or look like anyone else’s path, but it’s not supposed to, and it doesn’t HAVE to.

        Armchair, pop psychology over here, but if you’re hearing about these thousands of words a day people and finding it stressful (even though you KNOW it doesn’t work for you), that might explain your procrastination — assuming Mel is right and that it’s a habit formed from stress. A question I often have to ask myself is what does “perfect” feel like to me? When I set aside other people’s expectations, how would I work and produce content? And it’s always at a slower pace than the rest of the world would tell me to do it.

  2. Posy Churchgate says:

    My hustle, like yours, is intermittent. If I havent got my kids at home I try to listen to Kayla’s podcasts or the audible MasturbationMonday posts while I do things like load the d/washer or put away shopping. I watch Frolicme porn while I am folding / sorting laundry or doing manicures or pedicures, and on holiday I got lots of story ideas which I jotted down in a book – sometimes the beginning or a plot, sometimes just a title to use as a prompt.
    I need to schedule an actual writing slot, but for smutty stuffy I need to be at least ‘feeling’ it a little, and that may take a little reading. FYI your writing is super hot, and I cant tell which stories you write like an electrocuted demon and which you sweat to craft into a clever tapestry! Keep going!

    • Mischa Eliot says:

      Thank you so much! I listen to podcasts or audiobooks when I’m walking or driving. Sometimes while cleaning house. I prefer music while cleaning. Halestorm is a huge smutty influence with their music. I’ve also reconnected with my 80s music and realized why I love writing BDSM and smut in general. My writing alarm is named “Have you written today?” so I can say Yes! Or say No, let me give it a whirl and see what happens.
      I work on a reward system but that’s been failing more often than not lately
      Give yourself a nudge. You’re doing great. We will get there!!

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