Wicked Wednesday: Bare Necessities

8 Responses

  1. lurvspanking says:

    With me, it’s the lure of online videos and politics that distracts me from writing. I gave up TV years ago as too expensive.

    • Mischa Eliot says:

      Oh, I don’t have cable or satellite. I have local channels with rabbit ears, Netflix, and Hulu Plus. I spend 20 bucks a month after tax for the streaming services. I don’t use Hulu as much due to the commercials (same three over and over again if you watch two or three episodes of a show)… but completely in love with Netflix.

  2. Your post was interesting even though I don’t watch much TV and I’ve never seen Shameless.

    I completely understand you when you say “I want it to be more than a hobby, but I can’t seem to treat it that way”.
    As a wannabe writer, I realized that my writing was better when not at home, that includes lunch breaks and also writing in a coffeeshop.

    • Mischa Eliot says:

      Yes, exactly. Every Saturday I tell myself to get made up and go to Panera or the mall and get some coffee or a slice of deep dish pizza and write, but I don’t leave the house. I blame winter blues for it.

      • Winter is soon over.

        Actually I went to that coffeshop with the intent to write only once. But I had to go back home to fetch my computer first. There I could feel something telling me “Hey, it is tiring to go out, why don’t you stay home to write ?”
        I did not pay attention to that voice and went outside. And it was for the best I think.

        • Mischa Eliot says:

          Exactly. I don’t like taking up a table even though there are other customers doing the same thing. If I do go, then I write quickly so I can get everything done in a reasonable amount of time.

  3. I’m Pisces too and many years ago I read that Pisces can be addicted to anything. Thankfully, I’m not addicted to any substances, but I am addicted to other things. One of them is my blog… I just cannot go without it. You know, I cannot even think of anything else I am addicted too 😉

    Welcome to Wicked Wednesday. I hope to see you around a lot more 🙂

    Rebel xox

    • Mischa Eliot says:

      Thanks for having me! I’ve been wanting to join in on the Wicked Wednesday fun for a while now and the prompt for today truly struck me. I’ve done a lot of research into my personal astrology after reading the generalizations about Pisces and addiction. We can become addicted to pretty much anything, which is why I chose mine as best I could. I am also lucky because I’m born on the cusp of Aries with Libra Rising. I tell people I’m more of a steam sign than water because water + fire + air = steam. I’m also known to have a temper that’s more like a sleeping volcano – you just never know what might set me off. I try really hard not to blow my top, especially over little things that shouldn’t make it happen.
      Thanks for commenting!

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